You Are Lovely


Most of us are trying to change to something that we are not. We are constantly trying to win the affection and love of someone, by trying to become someone that we are not. We are trying to impress people with behavior that they’d appreciate. But deep down our soul, we know we are just putting on an act.

This can only be temporary. Your true nature will surface at some point of time, putting you in conflict to what you projected. This creates a lot of stress for you! And the entire effort becomes pointless.

Remember, life grooms you to be what you should be, Stay aware of this one fact that you are where, what and how you should be.

You are perfect as you are, in that stage of evolution of your soul.

Nothing is wrong about your existence.  Everything about you is right and perfect. Accept yourself as you are. Be true to yourself and let your immediate world see you as you are.


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